Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cosmology is seeing mind as a part of the cosmos. In Hindu mythology we have the concept of sankalpa. In sankalpa, we remember the cosmos, the billions of things in this creation. Seeing life in the bigger context expands the mind, broadens the vision and inculcates commitment.

Spirituality is in harmony with science, it does not contradict science. In this part of the world, they (i.e. spirituality and science) go hand in hand. It was discovered very late in the other parts of the world that the earth is a sphere. But we always knew this fact. Earth was referred to as khagol; khagolshastra, i.e., the knowledge of spheres, is an ancient science in India.

Human life is a very complex thing – it is a combination of the concrete and the abstract. Our body is concrete, mind is abstract. An orderly and a disorderly or a chaotic thought emanate from the same brain. We know very little about ourselves; knowing more about ourselves helps us to understand our life better. So cosmology is the understanding of life.

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