Tuesday, July 13, 2010


There are four tendencies in people. Four different tendencies are found in different people and only one or two is found in your body what are the four tendencies?

Knowledge, the first tendency which you call as the Brahmin. Then organising capacity, Kshatrya and Vysya tendency is business, communication, growth, economy, all these and the fourth is service, Shudra. Manual service, physical service is Shudra tendency. These are the four tendencies.

Unless you have all the four in you, you are not complete. In your life you must be a Shudra first. Shudra first means, you should be able to serve. Clean your bathroom. You cannot say, “I cannot clean my bathroom”. You should see, how many people are not able to clean their bathrooms! They wait for somebody else to clean it. It’s no good. You clean and do any menial work.

It was previously considered to be such a bad thing that a man could take a broomstick and sweep. What is wrong? We think it is below our dignity to do so. This is wrong! first be a shudra. Everybody should be a shudra and do all the menial work. Any seva. Be ready to jump in.

Then, the Vysya, business tendency in you. Then Kshtriya, organising tendency and then Brahamana. Generosity, compassion, love, knowledge, wisdom. All this is Brahmana tendency. All the four tendencies in a person makes a person complete.

You can rarely find someone who has all the four tendencies. That is why in ancient days they categorized, “this is your tendency, you do this and that”. Therefore they said “Janmanaa jaayate shudraha” “By birth everybody is a Shudra”. “Karmana dwija uchyate”. Then when they go and start studying, then their tendency, whether they are in business, or good in organising or intellectual knowledge or professional, depending on these they would divide in that sense in ancient days. All that has gone away now.

In the same way all the four ashramas are there in your life, everytime, even every day! When you are learning you are in Brahmacharya ashram. When you are enjoying what have you learnt you are in Gruhastaashram. When you are parting or sharing it with others you are in Vaanaprasthaashram and when you are in meditation you are in Sanyaasaahram, even when you ahve let gone of everything on when you are asleep, because, you have dropped everything.

All the four ashramas are there in your life all the time and the four varnas are in your life all the time. Everybody has a little tendency of all the four. This is because, when you are organising you must have some knowledge. Knowledge will defnitely help you organise. Right? Then you will exchange, you will distribute it. Exchanging, distributing, spreading it is all Vysya tendence and serving is Shudra tendency.

So all the four tendencies, all the four are there in your life everyday. Kruta Yuga when you are happy. Dwapara Yuga when you are having fun. Treta Yuga when you are committed and doing some work. In dwapara-Yuga you are having fun and more conflicts. More rajas. Kaliyuga is when you feel dull and sleepy. So all the four Yugas are in your own life.

There are certain periods when all the nice things are coming to you. We are in Kruta Yuga or satya yuga now, talking about knowledge. You go home and fight with somebody, then dwapura Yuga has begun. You are grumbling and sad and complaining and having a very rough time. At that moment you are in KaliYuga.