Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Be a witness
If there is smoke in somebody’s house, the air blows and spreads it to the neighbouring houses. Isn’t it? If there is a foul smell in one house, it will not be confined only to that house. Similarly, if there is sadness in one person’s mind, then it begins to spread everywhere.

You think, “why am I sad without any reason? I do not know! I was fine a few moments ago. What happened to me now?” How many of you have felt this way? Raise your hands. Let me see. Raise your hands completely. Everyone must have experienced this sometime or the other. But we point out the reason on something else. Your mind is peaceful, pleasant, you are meditating too. But all of a sudden, you begin to feel sad and restless. How does this happen?

They are all somebody else’s vibrations, not ours. Our vibrations are not confined only to us. It spreads everywhere. So, the most important thing is that, when something like this happens to you, be a witness to your mind.

Understand whether those emotions belong to you or to somebody else. Do not try to analyse it too much. Do not make an effort to wipe them off. Look at them as a witness and offer them, “this might have happened – someone else’s anger, sadness and restlessness has come to me. I offer it to You”.

In the same way, when you come into a peaceful environment, the environment begins to influence you.

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