Monday, November 30, 2009


Now, you look at some object, you get very attracted to it. What happens immediately after you get attracted? It has to come to your hands immediately. Your mind will not be in peace till it reaches your hand. You wait for it, you crave for it. Whatever we are attracted to, should reach our hands. Once it reaches your hands, then all the attraction you had for it goes away. Have you observed this?

School or college going children want to purchase a motor bike come what may. They feel that they have to wear a helmet and roam all round the city. It is a very big desire. The motor bike comes anyway. One month, two months. There is a saying in Kannada, “the new broom sweeps faster”. In this way, for one or two months, all the enthusiasm and keenness exists. Then what happens? The ardour cools down. They do not even think about the bike.

Similarly, when we are attracted to any object, if we obtain that object faster, then we will not develop love on it. If we do not obtain an object to which we are attracted to, then our love for that object increases. Are you getting this? When that love increases, there is a force arising in the mind due to that love, there arises longing and eagerness for that object. From that longing and eagerness, there is a rise in the consciousness. When the consciousness rises, you get the awareness, “everything is me. Whatever I was searching for, I am that”.

From attraction love increases. When you could not obtain that love, that intensity increased in you. From that intensity, there arose vibrations in the whole body. The consciousness arose. As you keep progressing forward you get the realisation that “I am that consciousness, everything is consciousness. I am the consciousness. They are all consciousness too. Everything is consciousness. There can be nothing else other than the consciousness”. Such a relevation happens inside you. Then it is said “Tattvamasi”. “You are that! That longingness, eagerness which existed in you - I want, want, want, that restlessness, that desire which you had in you, that is the consciousness itself. You are that. That is God”. The disciple is taught in this manner! Are you getting this?
When you see something big in life, be it a person or a situation, then a forceful attraction develops in you ”come what may, let whatever happen, I want that at any cost”. It is like the love of Laila and Majnu. Laila and Majnu never met each other. That is why the attraction increased. If they both would have met, if they would have been united, then nothing would have existed. In that case, where would have Laila and Majnu’s love existed? From great attraction love happens. Love increases.

What happens because of love? From love longing arose. Due to the attraction the desire was not destroyed and love increased. Two things happen. One is, the mind gets frustrated. You get angry on it. Your restlessness increases because of it. Otherwise that longing turns into prayerfulness. From that longing the prayer becomes so deep that you say, “oh God! come what may, I really need that”.

That could be anything, a house, wife, husband, child, whatever. If you develop a craving on anything, when so much longing for it develops, that longing gives rise to prayer. The prayerful longingness then awakens the consciousness from within you. Every cell of your body vibrates. Waves arise. Have you experienced this? Immersing in it completely. Day and night. Laila and Majnu are the best examples of this. There can be no better example than this. Both of them were in so much love.

The difficulty in us is that, we do not have one single desire! We have so many desires! So, not even one desire gets fulfilled. Only that desire should get converted to longing. That is all. That longing is God, divine. What is the difference between you and a stone? There is no longing in a stone. You have longing in you. The sign of consciousness is longing. Long so much inside you. Let such a longing arise in you. Then the knowledge arises “Tattvamasi”!

Then you begin to realise, “oh! I was all along searching for this love! I found that love in this wife, that husband, this child, this friend. Even though it appeared as though it existed in all of them, it is actually existing in this! I have experienced this in this very, six and a half foot body! I could have longed in this way before itself. I could have obtained this bliss before itself! I wandered so long for this and wasted so much of my time”. You will experience complete knowledge in this manner.
When such an experience happens, it is then exclaimed. “Shivoham, Shivoham“! I am Shiva! I am Shiva”! Everything in this world is love. there is nothing else other than love. there arises a knowledge that everything is love.

From longing, one is (1) you can drag yourself down to such lower level or (2) you can raise so much higher. Longing is the line in between these two. Did you understand this?

Therefore, if you like anything, do not get into the effort of getting it immediately, possessing it immediately. Stay far away from it till you begin to long for it. If you do not do it yourself, then nature will make you do it. Enjoy the bliss of longing.

Once it happened this way. We had been to Canada. There a gentleman came to us and said “Guruji, I had never longed for anything in my life until now. I only long for you. I keep waiting the whole year for your arrival. You please do not come here. This longing is so strong. You did not come here for six months. My longing increased so much. Please do not construct an ashram here and stay here itself”. We told him, “this is such a strange request. On one hand you say that you have such a strong longing. On the other hand you say that you do not want to loose that longing”.

This is a very beautiful longing. We told him, “any way we do not have any intention of staying here itself”. If such a longing arises in your life, then it is a very beautiful thing. Be aware of it, be a witness to it. That is God.

It is said that if such a longing arises in you, all the Gods will be frightened of you. That is why they fill our minds with so many thoughts, so that our mind does not mature so much, so that our desires are not fulfilled. Not everybody will allow everybody else to become the “owner”. This is a law. Therefore, be alert. Become the owner. But if you want to be the owner, you need to become the servant first. Nobody can become the owners directly. In this spiritual path, first be a servant and then the master. When you become a servant and then the master, you will never become nonchalant. Otherwise you will become nonchalant in life and live with a long, distorted face. You continue to live like this and then suddenly everything will be over one day. You will not even know. Neither you will know, nor will others know.

If you are nonchalant, understand that you have not yet become a servant. In this very moment, right now, become a servant. Sometimes the wind blows in such a manner that your mind will simply tear away. You will not even know. After sometime, after the storm has blown over, you think, “oh! what have I done? What am I doing? What is happening to me?”. All such questions begin to arise in you. Hasn’t it arisen in you? How many of you have experienced such questions arise in you? Lift your hands, let us see.

Okay, as the storm is dying down, another storm arises. The moment you think the second storm to be dying down, no sooner the third storm arises. Your providence is that, in between the storms there is little gap. That sign of happiness, you will experience in between the storms. You will know what happiness is, then. When you know what is happiness, then the experience of sadness will be magnified then. Do you understand what I am saying?

Once you become aware, “it is happening this way”, then that is enough. You become the servant. When the storm arises, simply become a servant. Simply surrender. Then see, what happens, see what magic happens! Then that wave, storm will do nothing to you. You will simply laugh looking at it. It becomes a game then. Then life will not become a war, it will be a play. This is the difference. What is the difference between a play and a war? One has bliss in it and the other has misery. If you make life a war then you will find only misery. If you make life a play, then there is only bliss, ever blissful, everyday blissful!

Some people say, “oh, let go of everything. Do not have love towards anything. Do not have craving or aversions”. We should turn every craving into love. When that love arises, what happens is that, we can develop frustration towards it, boredom towards it and push ourselves down to a lower level. Otherwise, if we develop longingness towards that something which we want and if that longing is converted to prayer, then that becomes pure consciousness, pure love. This is the mechanics of attraction and love!

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